Google Chrome/Chromium 31 or newer is required.
Click game for focus F10 main menu F11 full screen

Free Camera Controls

mouse movement rotate camera
arrow keys rotate camera
w/a/s/d move forwards / left / backwards / right
Space up / increase height
LCtrl, c down / decrease height
LShift toggle fast move
Tab toggle freelook / interface mode
Numpad Enter, Enter switch between FreeCam and Strategic camera
n toggle night vision
m toggle minimap / maximised map
i incarnate into the selected bot (or vehicle's pilot)
y cycle switchable units

Bot Controls

mouse movement look around
arrow keys look around
w/a/s/d move forwards / left / backwards / right
q/e turn left / right
LShift toggle run
LCtrl, c toggle crouch
Space jump
left click trigger equipped weapon / rotate object you are holding
right click perform action on tagged object
middle click grab tagged object / drop object you are holding
wheel up throw object you are holding
wheel down put tagged object into inventory / open inventory to exchange objects
1 - 4 select n-th weapon from inventory or hide it if the current weapon is selected
n toggle night vision (if available)
b toggle binoculars (if available)
m toggle minimap / maximised map (if available)
Alt + k commit suicide (if available)
i un-incarnate bot
Tab toggle freelook / interface mode
Numpad Enter, Enter switch between 1st person and 3rd person camera
Numpad * toggle free camera rotation in 3rd person camera or in a vehicle
f point gesture
g fall back gesture
h salute gesture
j wave gesture
k flip out gesture
l play all animations


left click drop item / move item between inventories
middle click grab item from inventory
right click perform action on item / arm or holster a weapon

Vehicle Controls

mouse movement rotate vehicle or turret
arrow keys rotate vehicle or turret
w/a/s/d move forwards / left / backwards / right
q/e turn left / right
Space up (air vehicles only)
LCtrl, c down (air vehicles only)
left click trigger selected weapon
right click select next weapon
x exit
Alt + x eject


Alt + drag move UI windows
o rotate sky backward fast
p rotate sky forward fast
F5 quick save
F7 quick load
F8 load autosaved
F9 take screenshot
Ctrl + F9 toggle UI visibility
F10, Esc exit to main menu (only F10 works on NaCl)
F11 toggle fullscreen mode
Ctrl + F11 toggle mouse centring and system cursor visibility (and input grab on SDL 1.2)
F12 minimise and pause
Ctrl + F12 exit application


OpenZone (engine) © 2002-2013 Davorin Učakar.

Engine is licensed under GNU GPL 3.0. Data files and libraries distributed with OpenZone are work of various authors and use separate licences. See details.